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Honest Product Review: ORITA, Baking Soda Laundry Detergent

*** Not Sponsored *** Orita, have you ever heard of this name? Probably yes, probably no; but I do believe that you saw them once in a while if you ever been to Watson Malaysia ! ORITA, Baking Soda Laundry Detergent

My Cambodia Trip Itinerary

Recommendation trip for flight
From Siam Reap to Phnom Penh

Get simcard in airport if possible.
USD 1, then top up USD 1.
buy the internet weekly pass, best is Metfone.
Image result for cambodia metfone

Download mobile app - *Pass App* for tuk tuk (best price ever)
Image result for cambodia passapp

Hotel in Siem Reap: hankong hotel
Link to book a room in the hotel: Siem Reap Han Kong Hotel
the WiFi sucks, but the food at their restaurant is good.

Best part is that you manage to join the tour in there.
To travel from 1 temple to another temple is pretty far.
I went temple hoping via CAR, you can also do it by calling tuk tuk.
Not recommending you to walk or run as the temples are far apart.

Buy 3 days pass (can get one day if you go there damn early and don't wish to spend so much time in Angkor Wat)
1 day pass USD 37
3 days pass USD 62
7 days pass USD 72

*Make sure you look pretty/handsome when you buy the ticket, as they will take your photo and print it on the ticket*
Make sure you always keep the ticket with you.
They check ticket ALL THE TIME.

Below are the temple that I went, which the local Cambodian said MUST go.
I finish all 4 in the same day. Spent like 5 hours.

The sun rise in Siem Reap is breathtaking, but you need GREAT AMOUNT OF LUCK to see it.
Plus you need to be there really early (before 6am if I am not wrong).

1st entrance temple is super big, but nothing much to see.
Before you enter the first temple, grab a plum syrup!!
It taste super sweet but refreshing! You can buy 1 and share it with your friends.

**Caution: Drinking too much plum syrup might give you stomach ache.**

There are a lot of stone engraving, which tells stories about history.

Most shocking truth is that I have no idea why there is Chinese history in their stone engraving.
They have the Monkey King story that I love the most!

Inside this great temple, they have 1 smaller temple up there, yes, climb the stairs.
This small temple has 4 buddhas, some are headless, anyway just go up and pray for best wishes.

2nd temple: Bayon Temple aka the Smiling Buddha temple

I bet this temple have the best smiling buddha in the world.
It is super crowded here, more people like to go as the stone engraving is more obvious and the buddhas are cute.

3rd temple: Pretty far away, hard to find.
The Tomb Raider Temple: Ta Prohm Temple
The signature tree in tomb raider.

It is expected fall apart within this few years, strongly suggest everyone to grab the chance and be there and have a look on the amazing ancient art!
The trees are super amazing, they stand strong being here for thousand of years.
There is ONLY ONE entrance to go into the internal of the temple, make sure you find the way.
I had some hard time looking for it. I was so lucky there was a security guard there who show me the way!
Big thanks to that guard!

4th temple to go, up the hill. *Phnom Bakheng*

Make sure you're up there for the sunset which is around 6pm.
It takes around 20 mins hike?! I ran up the hill like 15 mins to catch the sunset.
Can take leisure walks if you want to.
Only 300 people can go up the temple, so you have to take turns.
If they running out of passcard then you have to queue and wait for someone to come down and take turns.
Sunset there is amazing. I'm so bad luck that it was freaking cloudy. No sunset for me...

Siem Reap night time event: PUB STREET!!!!

They serve crocodile meat there, you may have it if you want to.

Most pub have the same pricing.
USD 0.5 Draught angkor beer
USD 1.5 Mekong Whisky + Coke
USD 1.5 Rum + Coke
USD 2.0 All house cocktail (long island, mojito not are USD 3.5 if not mistaken)

You can take bus from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh.
Idk how, but if you want me to help you get the answer, just let me know!

Phnom Penh have many chinese food and mix-cultural stuff.
Unable to get the restaurant name as it is not being track by my google timeline, I have no idea why this happen.
You may go to *central market* to hunt for some gems, diamonds, crystal and many things.

They also have *Russian Market* too. It is smaller than Central Market.

Place you can go in Phnom Penh:
- Eclipse sky bar (require reservation, or else you will have to queue)

- Sky bar in diamond island (require reservation)
I didn't make it to be there. Hope you have the chance!

- The drinking place I went (local only) KUAH ANGKOR RESTAURANT
Their raw beef salad is the best thing I ever had in Cambodia.
You are required to order 3 dishes (minimum expenses), but the restaurant will give you another 2 dishes as free. (This is their culture in Cambodia)
Remember not to order too much, you might end up having too many food!
It is a good place if you are going there in big group~

This is the raw beef, taste freaking good.

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